Changing Your “Off Season” to an “In Season”
There comes a time every year when the fall hunts are over, causing the excitement and anticipation to subside. Days in the field have quenched that deep primal desire. Now the meat is packaged awaiting the thaw before sizzling in the pan, and the gear gets put back in totes to start accumulating that thin layer of dust on the top shelf until the next season comes around. To me, thinking I have to wait a full year till next season seems like forever.
Once the year ends, I guarantee you’re already thinking about next year and what you could book or draw to get back out in the field. Once hunting season culminates, it’s right back to plan for the next.
We usually refer to the first few months of the new year as the “off-season”. Just those two words can bring on anxiety and depression, even leading to therapy. To counteract any negative effects, the “off-season” would bring on, We have found that the best preventative measure is to plan a hunt that takes place during the first few months of the new year. This strategy allows you to load the front and back end of the year with a hunt. Essentially creating an extended season.
As our seasons come to a close in the northern hemisphere, those countries in the southern hemisphere are anticipating and getting ready for theirs to begin. In just a couple of months, they will be entering into their own fall seasons and immersed in their version of the rut or roar. Depending on which species of ungulate they will be trying to mimic and trick into coming in for a closer look. March-May is when those down south are deep in their fall colors.
What a perfect opportunity to extend your hunting season and get more time in the field! Who wouldn’t want to hunt a roaring red stag, or a croaking fallow buck when they are all “rutted up”? Something to consider for your bucket list and fill the gap in your off-season. If you want to learn more about hunting in the Southern Hemisphere or just looking for a winter hunt in the states, reach out to us at Top End Adventures to see about changing your off-season to an in-season.