Guided Aoudad Hunting
Guided aoudad hunting can be one of the most fun and affordable sheep hunts in North America. Free range aoudad hunting is often called the “poor man’s sheep hunt because the hunts are usually around $5500 and have high success. They are very similar to other sheep species in their habits and where they live. Aoudad hunting consists of all the classic sheep hunting styles of hiking and glassing, in rugged terrain, then making the final stalk in to harvest your trophy aoudad.
They have sharp eyesight, a keen sense of smell and their habits of where they live keep them safe from you and their natural predators. They can, as well, be harvested with archery tackle. Here is a video of me taking one with my bow, a few years ago.
This hunt can be found here. https://
Guided Aoudad Hunting Options
There are many different options for people wanting to hunt aoudad in Texas in varying difficulties and terrain. As well as hunting styles. We have hunts that are the “real deal sheep hunts” and the more “gentleman” style sheep hunts. These gentleman hunts are a little easier terrain and more of an ambush style over feed or water. Most guided aoudad hunts are 3 day hunts and throughout most of Texas they are very high success.