Archery Keys To Success For New Elk Hunters: Tip 4
Drawing Your Bow
As elk pick up on movement quick, you’ll want to draw your bow when his eyes are not in position to pick you off. This is most likely when they go behind a tree or brush and you know they will be coming out the other side, draw and wait for them to step out. You might be in a situation where you draw and the bull stops behind the object you used to hide his view. Be ready, you may need to hold for a long period of time until he steps out. This is something not many practice…. Long holds at full draw. You may have to hold in position for a few seconds to a couple minutes, so prepare in advance for this situation. Something to put in your practice sessions.
When you do have the opportunity to draw your bow, commit! I have had clients go to draw and the bull turns in their direction because he catches movement. The hunter then stops his draw thinking that he cant move and now he has no chance for a shot. Commitment to draw fully is key. Once at full draw and anchored, if the bull blows out and you can stop him, youll be ready to take a shot instead of having to draw again.
If the bull catches movement of a partial draw, he will be cued in on your location and stare you down. Chances are, he will get nervous and blow out, commit to the draw and be ready should you stop him with a cow call. I’ve been busted drawing my bow but I fully committed, and when the bull spooked, I was able to stop him with a chirp still within bow range.
Do’s & Dont’s
Remember…. Every situation is relative and there are do’s and dont’s, hindsight is 20/20.
Take these tips with a grain of salt and add them to your toolbelt. They may work one day and not the next, but they come from different experiences from hundreds of successful elk hunts both personally and as a guide.
Why You Should Go With A Guide
Going with an guide or outfitter who knows the country, spent time in the field, and understands what the bulls are doing increases your opportunity and ultimately your success. Then, when you go with a guide, you’ll know the best way to set up before that bull gets to your position. To find an outfitter that will work for you, give us a call to discuss future opportunities.